Welcome to Scontel software page!

Here you can find software related to devices fabricated by SCONTEL. Also here is some other auxiliary materials that came from the hands of the electronics group of SCONTEL.

Control Unit (3-rd generation)

The Control Unit (3-rd generation) of Superconducting Nanotechnology is designed to control single-photon detectors, as well as bolometric detectors in devices such as single photon registration system for visible and near infrared ranges, cryostat-based fast receivers for far and mid-infrared ranges. The software toolset is available here

Control Unit (4-th generation)

The Control Unit (4-th generation) of Superconducting Nanotechnology is designed to control single-photon detectors in devices such as single photon registration system for visible and near infrared ranges.The software toolset is available here

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Published on  April 14th, 2021